Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kalo gw bilang 'yum' lw inget apa?

Kalo gw bilang 'yum' lw inget apa?

Answer here

Sunday, May 30, 2010

first National Meeting and not the last, I hope

this is the day we are departure from Brawijaya University and arrive at our lovely Sebelas Maret University from an national meeting called May Meeting that is a routine event of CIMSA: Center of Indonesian Medical Student's Activities. And I'll tell you letter about this amazing experience you know i'm really exhausted.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Everybody knows about dragons, dragons are a legendary creatures like snake or reptilian traits. The two most familiar dragons are Chinese dragon and European dragon.

Dragons are commonly shown as a huge lizard or a snake with two pairs of lizard-type legs and able to blow fire from their mouths. The European dragon has bat-type wings growing from its back. A dragon-like creature with no front legs is known as a wyvern.

Although dragons occur in many legends around the world, different cultures have varying stories about monsters that have been grouped together under the dragon label. Some dragons are said to breathe fire or to be poisonous. They are commonly portrayed as serpentine or reptilian, hatching from eggs and possessing typically scaly or feathered bodies. European dragons are more often winged, while Chinese dragons resemble large snakes. Dragons can have a variable number of legs: none, two, four, or more.

In Western folklore, dragons are usually portrayed as evil, with the exceptions mainly appearing in modern fiction. In the modern period the dragon is typically depicted as a huge fire-breathing, scaly and horned dinosaur-like creature, with leathery wings, with four legs and a long muscular tail. It is sometimes shown with feathered wings, crests, fiery manes, ivory spikes running down its spine and various exotic coloration.

Chinese dragons are legendary creature in Chinese mythology and folklore. In contrast to European dragons that are considered evil, Chinese dragons traditionally symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, and floods.

Lately dragons are often used as characters in a movie and TV show. Such as:

1. Eragon, this movie is about a dragon rider and the dragon called Saphira. A Blue European dragon.

2. Harry Potter, in the fourth Harry Potter sseries, Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire, Harry must fight with a dragon, known as Hungarian Horntail. As its name this dragon is an European dragon with horn on its tail.

3. Avatar. In this film, Jake become a Toruk Makto because he could ride a dragon, known as the last shadow, Toruk to make Pandora believe to him that he's on Pandora side.

4. And the latest is "How to Train Your Dragon", Early in this movie, dragons are pests in Viking and after Hiccup met the Night Fury--Stufles, the first tame dragon because of good treatment from Hiccup, the Dragons become pets.

Those movies above are use an European dragon, There are also Chinese dragons in movies or TV shows, such as: Dragon Ball and The Last AirBender. In Dragon Ball, the dragon will appear if the seven ball were collect and it will grant your want/s. And in Aang: the Last AirBender, Aang and Zuko find the dragon to learn the Pure FireBending from the Dragons

Sunday, May 9, 2010

please welcome . . .

Tomorrow , Monday, 10 May 2010, I have to start a new blok all over again, lectures, lab works, pretests, lab work reports, review, examination and blablabla. The 8th Blok, the last blok of this 2nd semester, Infectious and Tropical Diseases. In this blok I have to be more diligent and decrease my bad habits in the last blok, Immunology.

you know the best thing is about the end of a BLOK? tomorrow, it starts all over again

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Chakra

ini dikasih tahu temen buat lihat chakra kita di Electric Energies

buat yang mau tau apa itu chakra buka ini aja, soalnya ada hak ciptanya.

Monday, February 8, 2010

chat with avatar!!

Club Cooee

Sunday, February 7, 2010

What He Talk To Us

You know...
it's really irony that I write this advices from 17 again not my dad advices..
I think, my dad has the same idea of this...
...but this advices are not common in our culture...
My dad also always gives me advices... much advices...
...from how I should cut my hair...
...until how I should associate with girls.
Basicly, every dad in this world has the same idea about their children.
They want the best-things for theirs...
What they said to us is what they learned from their young.
No dad wants his children make the same mistakes with the dad done...
...Dad won't let this happen to us.

This monolog is taken from scene in the classroom.

"You know why I don't need one?"
"Because there's no one I'm in love with."
"It's called "making love", isn't it?"
"Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I think that means you do it with someone you love."
"And preferably when you're married."
"You know, when you're ready to take that love and turn into a baby."
"Because that's what love is."
"It's that first moment when you hold your baby girl..."
"...and you didn't know that anything could be so small or so delicate."
"And you feel that tiny heart beat..."
"...and you know that you couldn't love anything more in the whole world."
"And you hope that you can do right by that little girl..."
"...and always be there to catch her when she falls, and that nothing ever hurts her."
"Not a broken arm..."
"...or a bad dream..."
"...or a broken heart..."

And this is taken from the scene "Mike meet her daughter after she dumped"

"You know..."
"...when you're young, everything feels like the end of the world."
"It's not."
"It's just the beginning."
"You might have to meet a few more jerks..."
"...but one day you're going to meet a boy..."
"...who treats you the way that you deserve to be treated: Like the sun rises and sets with you."

You know...
That truly happens to us.
How youth acts now...
...very terrible...
We should know...
...that we lost our generation.
We should change this generation from now.
There's no regret in our old later.

adorable :)

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse akan di release 30 Juni 2010. Film ini berdasarkan novel Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse, yang menjadi film ketiga dari The Twilight Saga, yang sebelumnya pada Twilight (2008) dan New Moon (2009). Disutradarai oleh David Slade, yang diperankan seperti sebelumnya, Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan), Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) dan Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black). Melissa Rosenberg kembali menjadi screenwriter di film ini. Rachelle Lefevre, yang sebelumnya memerankan Victoria tidak akan bermain lagi di Eclipse dan akan digantikan dengan Bryce Dallas Howard. Eclipse juga akan menjadi film pertama yang di release oleh IMAX.

Jalan Cerita
Seattle dilanda oleh serangkaian pembunuhan misterius dan seorang vampir jahat terus berupaya untuk membalas dendam, sekali lagi Bella melibatkan dirinya dalam bahaya. Di tengah-tengah semua itu, dia dipaksa untuk memilih antara cintanya kepada Edward dan persahabatannya dengan Jacob - mengetahui bahwa keputusannya memiliki potensi untuk memicu pertikaian antara vampir dan werewolf. Semakin mendekati kelulusan, Bella memiliki satu lagi keputusan untuk membuat: hidup atau mati.

Karakter Utama
  • Kristen Stewart as Isabella Swan
  • Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, pacar vampir Bella yang bisa membaca pikiran semua orang kecuali Bella.
  • Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black, sahabat Bella dan salah satu suku Quileute, shapeshifter/ werewolf, yang mencintai Bella.
Karakter Lain
  • Peter Facinelli as Carlisle Cullen, seorang dokter vampir yang menjadi ayah angkat keluarga Cullen.
  • Elizabeth Reaser as Esme Cullen, yang memerankan ibu dalam keluarga Cullen.
  • Ashley Greene as Alice Cullen, anggota keluarga Cullen yang bisa melihat masa depan secara obyektif dan teman dekat Bella.
  • Kellan Lutz as Emmett Cullen, anggota terkuat dari keluarga Cullen.
  • Nikki Reed as Rosalie Hale, anggota paling cantik di keluarga Cullen dan kekasih dari Emmet. Di sini dia menceritakan latar belakangnya saat menjadi manusia, sebelum ditemukan Carlisle Rosalie akan menikah dengan seseorang dan di hari sebelum pernikahannya dia diperkosa oleh calon suami dan teman-temannya.
  • Jackson Rathbone as Jasper Hale, anggota keluarga Cullen yang melatih keluarganya danpara werewolf untuk melawan vampir-vampir baru dan bisa mengontrol emosi orang-orangdi dekatnya. Dia dulu merupakan manusia yang hidup pada saat American Civil War sebelummenjadi vampir. Jasper adalah kekasih Alice.
  • Billy Burke as Charlie Swan, ayah Bella dan kepala polisi di Forks.
  • Chaske Spencer as Sam Uley, alfa dari kawanan werewolf yang melindungi manusia dariserangan vampir.
  • Tinsel Korey as Emily Young, imprint Sam dan figur ibu dari kawanan serigala.
  • Tyson Houseman as Quil Ateara, teman baik Jacob dan termasuk kawanan serigala.
  • Alex Meraz as Paul, kawanan serigala.
  • Kiowa Gordon as Embry Call, teman baik Jacob dan termasuk kawanan serigala.
  • Bronson Pelletier as Jared, dia termasuk kawanan serigala yang suka melawak.
  • Julia Jones as Leah Clearwater, satu-satunya wanita di kawanan werewolf.
  • Boo Boo Stewart as Seth Clearwater, adik Leah dan werewolf paling muda.
  • Gil Birmingham as Billy Black, Ayah Jacob dan tetua Quileute.
  • Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria, vampir yang ingi membunuh Bella untuk membalas dendam pasangannya, James.
  • Xavier Samuel as Riley, vampir baru yang bergabung dengan Victoria.
  • Jodelle Ferland as Bree, vampir baru.
  • Catalina Sandino Moreno as Maria, vampir yang mengubah Jasper menjadi vampir.
  • Kirsten Prout as Lucy, vampir yang membantu membuat pasukan vampir bersama Maria, tetapi setelah Jasper menjadi vampir dia dibunuh oleh Maria.
  • Christian Serratos as Angela Weber, salah satu teman dekat Bella.
  • Anna Kendrick as Jessica Stanley, teman Bella
  • Justin Chon as Eric Yorkie, teman Bella yang berkencan dengan Angela.
  • Michael Welch as Mike Newton, teman Bella yang juga naksir Bella.
  • Jack Huston as Royce King II, anak konglomerat yang bertunangan dengan Rosalie padatahun 1933 sebelum dia menjadi vampir.
  • Sarah Clarke as RenĂ©e Dwyer, ibu Bella
  • Shabrina Frank as Vera, teman Rosalie yang mana Rosalie merasa iri dengan dia memiliki suami dan anak.
  • Dakota Fanning as Jane, pengawal Volturi yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menyiksa seseorang dengan ilusinya.
  • Cameron Bright as Alec, saudara kembar Jane yang bisa menghalangi kemampuan istimewa vampir lain.
  • Charlie Bewley as Demetri, anggota Volturiyang memiliki kekuatan tak tertandingi.
  • Daniel Cudmore as Felix, anggota Volturi.

November 2008, Summit Entertainment mengumumkan bahwa mereka memiliki hak terhadap novel ke empat Stephenie Meyer, Breaking Dawn. Meskipun Summit belum resmi memulai proyeknya itu. Robert Pattinson dan Ashley Greene menyatakan bahwa rencana untuk film Breaking Dawn dan film tersebut diperkirakan akan dimulai setelah Eclipse selesai. Wyck Godfrey, produser film sebelumnya mengatakan, "'s a little overwhelming to really think in a detailed manner of how we're going to crack this, but we have every intention to make Breaking Dawn." Ketika berbicara tentang film Taylor Lautner, Wyck Godfrey menyatakan "Lautner will reprise his role of Jacob in "Breaking Dawn" beginning in late 2010, and it is likely that the final book will be divided into two films that will shoot back-to-back."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Betapa Seharusnya Saya Bersyukur

Barusan saya pulang dari makan di H. Slamet, Solo. Sewaktu perjalanan pulang saya--sama Faiz--bertemu dengan pengamen, dia tidak kucel seperti pengamen-pengamen lain. Sepertinya dia seumuran dengan adikku, Shifa, dan kelihatannya anak itu masih sekolah, bisa dilihat dari penampilannya dan mengapa dia harus mengamen di malam hari. Karena dia harus sekolah di siang hari? Ya Allah, entah karena saya kangen dengan Shifa atau karena begitu iba dengan anak tersebut saya tadi sempat ingin meneteskan air mata. Mungkin karena saya memang kangen Shifa, tapi dia juga mengingatkan saya betapa beruntungnya saya. Saya di sini, dilahirkan orang tuaku, mempunyai adik-adikku, semua keluargaku, sahabat-sahabatku, yang semuanya menyayangiku. Dengan pakaian yang bisa saya kenakan hingga kuliah di tempat yang saya inginkan dan semua kemudahan-kemudahan yang Engkau berikan, ya Allah.
